What is the right way to wash vegetables and fruits?

Each product has its own approach:

🥕Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, summer-and-winter radishes, horseradish and other root crops should first be cleaned of the ground, then dirt should be thoroughly brushed off;

🍅Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, squash, eggplants, pumpkin, beans and peas are recommended to be washed in running water by hand or with a brush;

🍊It is recommended to scald oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons and other citrus fruits with boiling water;

🍏Apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, bananas, pomegranates and other fruits should be thoroughly washed with cold, always running water, and preferably with soap;

🍉Watermelons and melons should be washed under running water with hands or a brush;

🍇The grapes should be washed under the “shower” from the water tap;

🥭Dried fruits bought both in the market and in the store must be washed before use. Rinse them with cold water under the tap, put in a sieve or colander and quickly pour over boiling water;

🥬White cabbage is usually not washed. Usually, top leaves, contaminated, withered and affected by pests, are removed from it, getting to clean and fresh ones;

🥦Before washing the greens, they are carefully processed – the roots, stems, and yellowed leaves are removed. Most often, greens are very difficult to wash from dirt, sand and dust, so it is recommended to wash them not under running water, but in cold water poured into a roomy dish. In the process, the water needs to be changed several times so that all the dirt settles. Only then greens are washed under the tap.

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