Functional Diagnostics Department (Sleep laboratory)

Functional diagnostics includes instrumental diagnostics of organ and system diseases to assess their functionality.

The high-professional staff of the Department offers prompt and high-quality examination by the following techniques:


Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart);

Transesophageal ultrasound of the heart;

Stress test – bicycle exercise (cycle ergometry);

Holter 24-hour monitoring ECG and arterial tension;

Holter long-term glucose monitoring (1 to 5 days);


We ensure the safety of our patients according to JCI international quality standards. JCI is the most unbiased and prestigious international certification in the field of health care. This certificate confirms the compliance of a medical organization to the “gold standard” of quality – the internationally recognized medical and administrative standards, as well as the requirements for ensuring international patient safety goals.

The doctors of the department have received graduate education and re-training in the best clinics of near and far abroad countries.

Functional Diagnostics Department can help you solve such vital issues as diagnosis and treatment of snoring and apnea in a dream.

If you suffer from:

Loud intermittent snore

Apnea in a dream

Troubled sleep that does not give relief

Night polyuria

Distressful morning and day drowsiness

Night hypertension


Night sleep disturbances

we invite you to come for an examination and treatment.

Head of the Department:

Klara Zeinullovna Iskakova — Doctor of the Highest Qualification Category

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