Kazakh doctors of different profiles unite for the treatment of kidneys

On May 27, 2022, the National Kidney Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC Central Clinical Hospital SOVMINKA jointly held a regional scientific and practical conference on the topic “Conceptual problems of chronic kidney disease management”.

Kidney diseases in Kazakhstan are in third place after vascular and oncology. Seven thousand people use an artificial kidney, and this is the final stage of the disease. According to the World Health Organization, today about 10% of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from diseases of the renal system. Most cases are associated with severe chronic diseases or diseases that are becoming chronic. Such ailments as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, severe autoimmune diseases, etc. hit the kidneys. The kidneys control a lot of functions, their work is directly related to the health of other organs and organ systems. Therefore, it is necessary to educate not only the population in this matter, but also general practitioners, to whom patients of different ages with different diagnoses initially come with complaints.

The purpose of the conference was to unite doctors of various specializations to reduce the incidence of kidney disease in Kazakhstan on the basis of the regional center of nephrology in Almaty. The conference was attended by nephrologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and general practitioners. A coordinating nephrology center for patients with chronic renal failure will be opened on the basis of JSC CCH together with the National Kidney Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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