Екінің бірі аллергиямен ауырады деген стереотип шындықтан алыс емес сияқты

Екінің бірі аллергиямен ауырады деген стереотип шындықтан алыс емес сияқты. Елімізде 4 миллионнан астам адамда қандай да бір аллергия бар екен. Жыл өткен сайын олардың саны артып барады. Аллергиялық реакция неден болады, оны қалай тиімді емдеу керек? Бұл сауалдарды Орталық клиникалық аурухананың тәжірибелі аллерголог-пульмонологы Элеонора Старцеваға қоған едік.

Дәрігер аллергия әсіресе Алматы көбейгенін айтты. Ол көптеген факторларға байланысты, әрине. Дегенмен, бірінші кезекте қоршаған орта, қаладағы ауаның ластығы, өсімдіктердің белсенді гүлденуінен болады.

Элеонора Старцеваның айтуынша, заманауи препараттардың кең спектрінің арқасында аллергияны бақылап отыруға мүмкіндік мол.
– Совминкада біз емдеудің дәстүрлі әдістері мен биологиялық препараттарды қолданатын заманауи әдістерді қолданамыз. Бұл өте тиімді, – дейді дәрігер.


Орталық клиникалық аурухана дәрігерлері Тараз ауруханаларында 6 операция, 7 семинар және 50-ден астам консультация өткізді. ҚР ПІБ Медицициналық орталығының күндері аясында Жамбыл өңіріне нейрохирург Марат Саршаев, уролог Шарафаддин Азизов, гинеколог Айгүл Тұрсынова, рениматолог Айнұр Қаріпжанова, терапевт Элеонора Старцева, клиникалық фармаколог Дидар Бәкібаев және ішкі аудит маманы Эльмира Забирова аттанған еді.
Мамандарымыз кондуитті цистэктомия, лапароскопиялық гемиколэктомия, миомэктомия және гистероктомия, бет нервісінің микроваскулярлы декомпрессиясын, экстраинтракраниалды кішкентай тамырлар анастомозы, жанаспалы лазерлік литотрипсия сияқты операциялар жүргізді.

  • Мен айтарлықтай күрделі операциялар жасадым. Мақсатымыз да сол – жергілікті әріптестерімізге өз әдістерімізді көрсету еді. Бүйректен үлкендігі 2,5 см болатын тасты несеп жолы арқылы өздігінен шығарып, алып тастау операциясын өткіздік. Біріншісін өзім, екіншісін тараздық дәрігерлермен бірге жасадық. Совминдік басқа хирургтер де солай өткізді. Өңірдің медицинасы тамаша дамыған, дегенмен кей күрделі жағдайда пациентті орталыққа – Алматы мен Астанаға жөнелту қалыптасқан. Кеңесімізге жүгінген халықтың қарасы әжептәуір қалың, байқасақ, жергілікті халық үлкен қалалардан келген мамандарға көбірек сенеді екен. Осы жағынан да ақыл-кеңесімізді бөлістік – жағдайы ауыр пациенттермен жұмысты қалй жүргізу керек және сенімді қалай арттыру керек деген бағытта кішігірім оқу өткіздік, – дейді Шарафаддин Азизов.
    Бұдан бөлек алматылық мамандар операция бөліміндегі сепсис, антибиотиктерді азайту, дәріге туындайтын аллергия сияқты маңызды медициналық тақырыптардағы семинарлар өткізді.
  • Бұл сапарларымыздың басты мақсаты – адамдарға көмек көрсету. Бірқатар күрделі операция, жүйке жүйесі, омыртқасы, буындары ауыратын ондаған адамға консультация жүргіздім, барлығы астаналардан келген дәрігерлердің жәрдеміне зәру екен. Осы бағытта жақсы жұмыс атқардық, – дейді Марат Саршаев.
    Жыл басынан бері Медициналық орталықтың дәрігерлері өңірлердің басым көпшілігіне барып қайтты, жыл соңына дейін тағы бірнеше аймаққа сапар шегу жоспарланған.

Ведущая южно-корейская лаборатория в СОВМИНКЕ

Ведущая южно-корейская лаборатория в СОВМИНКЕ
В ЦКБ МЦ УДП подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве с Южно-Корейской лабораторией Seegene medical Foundation.

Эта компания на рынке уже 33 года, сегодня она проводит 5 тысяч различных анализов. В Алматы представители компании планируют создать лучшую в Центральной Азии лабораторию. Также там будут проводить обучение для специалистов.

– Мы даем результаты высшего качества, диагностируем даже самые редкие болезни, ведем контроль заболеваний, в том числе и таких актуальных, как гипертония, – отметил директор лаборатории Сеиик Джу, – Хотели бы создать лабораторию и в Алматы и, если возможно, на базе ЦКБ.

Urolithiasis is treated in Sovminka

Urolithiasis – the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra – today the scourge of urology. The factors provoking the development of the disease in women and men can be very different – a metabolic disorder in the body, congenital anomalies in the structure of the kidneys, climatic conditions, dietary habits, and the composition of drinking water. Also, common factors of stone formation include a violation of the metabolism of vitamins A and D, a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, and taking certain medications. The symptomatology of the disease depends on the shape, size, localization of stones, quantity and their mobility. Sometimes motionless small stones can form in the kidneys for years without causing any inconvenience to a person, while one stone with an uneven surface can pass into the ureters and cause severe pain in the lumbar region and in the urinary tract.

The department of urology of SOVMINKA uses both conservative treatment and leading surgical techniques. The staff of the department are candidates of sciences, masters and doctors of the highest category. In the treatment, they use minimally invasive methods – endoscopic with the use of laser technology, remote shock wave lithotripsy.

-These diseases, unfortunately, occur at different ages and most often patients come with a neglected form, – said the head of the department Aidar Begalin, – And although it is difficult to prevent the disease, it will not hurt to monitor your health, undergo screenings and check-ups.

The department of urology of SOVMINKA uses the most modern technologies. Every day, doctors perform successful operations and help patients cope with ailments in the most comfortable conditions.

Our phone:

+7 727 261 04 50;

+7 727 272 60 00.


Treatment of hernias in the groin and abdominal cavity is the most common operation in general surgery. In SOVMINKA it has been carried out for several years with the help of laparoscopy. This intervention has significant advantages over other types of hernia removal:

• the risk of recurrence of the protrusion is reduced;

• fast healing;

• absence of scars or other skin defects;

• reduction of the rehabilitation period to 1–2 weeks;

• absence of chronic pain syndrome;

• the patient stays in the hospital for 1-2 days.

– In Kazakhstan, far from all hospitals perform such operations, colleagues from other clinics came to us to study, we have been performing these operations since 2016, – said the surgeon of the highest category of the Department of Surgery Yerlan Akkaliyev, – We perform about 20 such operations per year , they are all successful.

The intervention is minimally invasive, so healing is fast. During the recovery period, a person only needs to eat right and do simple physical exercises to strengthen muscle tissue. Especially in the area of ​​the diaphragm.

For any questions, please contact during business hours by phone:

+7 727 261 04 50;

+7 727 272 60 00.

Kazakh doctors of different profiles unite for the treatment of kidneys

On May 27, 2022, the National Kidney Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC Central Clinical Hospital SOVMINKA jointly held a regional scientific and practical conference on the topic “Conceptual problems of chronic kidney disease management”.

Kidney diseases in Kazakhstan are in third place after vascular and oncology. Seven thousand people use an artificial kidney, and this is the final stage of the disease. According to the World Health Organization, today about 10% of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from diseases of the renal system. Most cases are associated with severe chronic diseases or diseases that are becoming chronic. Such ailments as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, severe autoimmune diseases, etc. hit the kidneys. The kidneys control a lot of functions, their work is directly related to the health of other organs and organ systems. Therefore, it is necessary to educate not only the population in this matter, but also general practitioners, to whom patients of different ages with different diagnoses initially come with complaints.

The purpose of the conference was to unite doctors of various specializations to reduce the incidence of kidney disease in Kazakhstan on the basis of the regional center of nephrology in Almaty. The conference was attended by nephrologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and general practitioners. A coordinating nephrology center for patients with chronic renal failure will be opened on the basis of JSC CCH together with the National Kidney Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The first international workshop on medical tourism was held in Almaty on the basis of SOVMINKI. The exhibition, which was previously held in Belarus, was attended by about a hundred representatives of foreign and domestic clinics, travel agents, insurance, air and travel companies from Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia. Since the beginning of the year, more than a hundred foreigners have been treated in SOVMINK alone, and last year there were 500 of them. Foreigners are attracted by the quality and price of medical services, which are several times lower than in Europe. They are interested in such areas as neurosurgery, arrhythmology, Parkinson’s disease, cardiology, dentistry, IVF, checkup. During the workshop, memorandums were signed with foreign partners and this is only the beginning of a new historical vector for domestic medicine.

The plans of the co-organizers of Universal Health Expert are to continue holding a medical workshop in Sovminka and make the event a tradition. The first experience showed that it is possible to develop medical tourism in Kazakhstan, all conditions have been created for this.

Chairman of the Board Non-profit joint-stock company “Social Medical Insurance Fund” Aidyn Ashuev, and his deputy Aidar Nuraliev visited the Central Clinical Hospital Sovminka

Today, within the framework of the Almaty visit, the Chairman of the Board of the Non-profit joint-stock company “Social Medical Insurance Fund” Aidyn Ashuev and his deputy Aidar Nuraliev visited the Central Design Bureau of the Sovminka. The hospital was the first in the visiting program. The head of the FSMS personally wanted to meet with the doctors of the metropolis and find out their burning questions. In Sovminka, he discussed the problems of the team with the management, got acquainted with the work of the departments and the emergency room. Further on the program of the visit were other major medical centers and private clinics in Almaty.


The work of the therapist of the admission department of the SOVMINKI Akerke Dzhanzakova was recognized as the best at the international competition

“SALZBURG WEILL CORNELL SEMINAR INFECTIOUS DISEASES” in Austria. It is traditionally held for young infectious disease specialists from all over the world. This year it was attended

32 doctors from 25 countries, among them were professors, directors of clinics, but Akerke’s work on the topic “Mysterious Linear Rash” was recognized by the jury as the best. Now she

will be published on the website of the Austrian Medical Academy.

– The selection was difficult, at first we wrote a motivation letter, then we all had an interview in English, and only then I was invited to the final in Vienna. I am very glad that I received a high rating, – said Akerke Dzhanzakova.


In honor of World Parkinson’s Day, which is celebrated on April 11, a charity marathon “Overcoming” for patients with this disease was held in Almaty under the motto “Parkinson’s disease is not a sentence. It was organized by the Society of Movement Disorders – Eurasia, the Center for the Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Diseases at the Sovminka and sponsors. Several dozen people gathered, despite a serious illness, which manifests itself in the form of trembling, stiffness, lethargy.

After the training, the participants went up to the Medeu dam by Nordic walking. The total route was 900 meters, for many it was a lot.

– Parkinson’s disease is the second most common among diseases of the nervous system after Alzheimer’s, we have 27 thousand people suffering from this disease, every year 2500 thousand fall ill, that is, a lot, and the disease is getting younger, – said neurosurgeon Chingiz Shashkin, – But the disease is not a sentence, The most important thing is to take medication correctly and be constantly active. A person must be socially active, you can not close and sit at home. All our rehabilitation is just based on movement. But in some cases, we conduct operations, starting this year on the basis of SOVMINKI on a quota.

The marathon participants themselves wanted to show that they are the same as everyone else by climbing the dam

– In the yard, some people think that I drink, someone regrets all the time, that is, not all of society accepts us, – said Nurgaip Tleubaev, – We exist and want to live like everyone else, and not fall into depression. Now we have a special center at the Council of Ministers, where we receive support.

Shara Mukasheva with Parkinson even continues to run her construction business, she tries to find the positive in everything and encourages her colleagues in misfortune to do this.

– One of the symptoms of the disease is discipline, we are used to taking medicines by the clock and according to the scheme. It changed our life, we are very punctual, we said today to come at 9, we came and everyone went up to the dam together. I would like to note another positive point, this disease is stellar, the Pope, Mao Zedong, Salvador Dali suffered from Parkinson’s, there are also many leaders and politicians among us. The disease changes a person, and we try to develop for the better, someone draws, knits, sews, designs crafts, writes poetry, got carried away with walking, although they didn’t know how to do it before.

The Almaty marathon was supported by the five-time Olympic champion with Parkinson’s disease Vasily Boev, after completing the summit, he shared his story of overcoming. It was decided to hold a marathon in support of the sick every year.

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